Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Kindy Class

I haven't posted for a long time and my apologies for this! I've been frightfully busy and one of the reasons is this bunch! For the past three months I've been teaching four "Kindy" classes on weekends. Kindy classes are for our youngest students, kids anywhere from three to six years old. These classes are a lot of fun, but they are very energy draining and challenging. The kids are "little sponges" they can absorb all kinds of lanuage. But you have to keep things fast paced and yet repetitive enough so they learn the words. It's hard to keep the kids focused all the time and I have two teaching assistants to help me chase "em" down and keep them on task.

Generally the kids are pretty good and love projects such as coloring and drawing. Sometimes they are perfectionists and try to create something for the Louve when we're trying to learn words like "hand" or "apple" or "house." I enjoy especially singing songs with them and playing the Wheel of Fortune. All my students love earning money, even if it's only play money!

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