Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Why I Love Teaching!

I can tell you why I love teaching. The reason is because of events like this:
Yesterday I went to volunteer at Lang Hoa Binh as I do every Tuesday. I brought along some alphabet puzzle games. After we all got a workout in our Vietnamese, I put the puzzles on the table, the students eagerly gathered round to work on putting them together, one in the shape of a turtle, the other in the shape of an elephant.
Two of the boys, both mentally and physically handicapped, were working on the elephant puzzle. They had quite a time with it, but were determined to get the letters in their correct places. Finally after trying many, many possible combinations and determined to do it on their own, they fit a key piece in and gave each other high fives! This was a big victory for them! Both have disabilities in their hands which effect their dexterity. Both have many things in life which they cannot do. But this was something they could do. Their joy was contagious, and I thought to myself this is why I became a teacher.