Thursday, April 05, 2007

I had my first creative inspiration since I've arrived. Wandering into a little cafe near the guesthouse I saw this beautiful painting.
It made me write this poem called Change
One more cup of water
That all it needs
And as you pour it something changes.
Yes, steam rises. You feel the colors, the yellows and reds hidden in the heat that winds arounds your hands, caresses every space between your fingers and settles inside the billows of your sleeve. It rides above your skin, part sensation part undiscovered rainbow.
For the first time you realize that this curling warmth, this sweet growing generation is more than the sweet kiss of flame or the wild tryst of calderon and water.
It's something in you.
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This is a beautiful painting. One that could inspire even me to start writing again, thanks for sharing it, I miss you!
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