Tuesday, August 16, 2005


The Front Page

I made the front page of the paper last Wednesday! The Trieus just gave me a copy, they had told me about it but were looking to get one at the news stand. I couldn't believe it! There I was on the front page of the Hanoimoi teaching Hang, Ha and Dang about animals. The story came on August 10, which was my mom's birthday. August 10 in Viet Nam is the day to remember the victims of Agent Orange. The synchronicity amazed me. One of the things my mom really passed on to me was a love of nature. And here I was, on the anniversary of her birthday passing those same values on to the next generation.
My mother also had a special affinity for developmentally disabled people. One of her favorite friends was my cousin Florence, who was developmentally disabled. Florence would always greet my mother with a big hug and say "I love you." Mom would respond, "I love you too, Florence."
It really has been a priviledge to teach these children. They have so much to offer the world! In a short while, you forget about their disabilities and begin to see them as kids, individuals. Each one has a sweetness and an edge.

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