Friday, July 15, 2005


A Good Day

Today was a good day. A lot of sucesses. We gave Chantelle a little send off last night and she gave me lots of nice chotskis from Australia. She also gave me her bubble making machine and the kids had a great time with it. Even the new student who is very severely disabled was able to get some bubbles out, and others learned how to utilize the fans for mass production.
I brought in a book on the alphabet. A boy with Downs syndrome went through the alphabet with me--he wanted to know every word in English and even clued me in on the details of the pictures, the windows of houses, the lights, the swingset in a yard, and the parts of a fire truck. I didn't know all the parts so he gave me hints, pantomining the motion of a hose while making a whooshing sound! These kids have so much to teach me!
At Morning Star, I brought along my massage oil from the US that is a Navajo product made out of lavender and sage. There is a little girl there about 2 who is very disabled and she seemed to respond very favorably to the treatment. The therapist wrote down the name of the product which is called "Medicine of the People."
I went to the doctor for the final stage of treatment. It is some kind of bug that made its most famous appearance at the Chicago World's Fair of 1933. An intestinal parasite, it comes from bad food handling or contamination of drinking water, so maybe it was some bad ice from one of the small vendors around here. The only thing bad is the cap my Xe Om driver loaned me blew off during the ride to the doctors.

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