Friday, July 01, 2005


Finger soldered

Ms. Canh noticed the wart/callous on my finger. she and the nutrition students were determined to get rid of it. You take a plant called Fuego and wrap it around the area and apply burning incense. I spent most of the morning getting this treatment and reading English to Wei. He told me "endeavor" which translates into Vietnamese as try. Try to hold on. If anyone could tell me this it is Wei. The 18 year old has to endure being in a wheelchair in a wheelchair inaccesible country.
The treatment was hot and sometimes painful but I think they made progress.
The wart developed from playing guitar and spawned a "child" both on the first finger.
I burnt a hole in the desk when I left the incense to teach. They didn't seem to mind they were obsessed with the wart. They tried to use a needle to take edge off.
I felt like maybe I was neglecting teaching but maybe not--as the children looked on, I became one of them....

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