Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Finishing Tet in Hue

We finished our Tet odyssey in Hue. After a wild and cramped overnight train ride from Hanoi, we arrived in the morning greeted by a drizzle. The train looked like something out of the 1930s and we were stacked 6 to a room in a hard sleeper. I actually managed to sleep despite the bumpiness of the ride.
My main fear was using the squat toilet on a moving train. Somehow I managed to "hold on" and was relieved in more than one way when the journey was over.
But it was worth it. Hue was as beautiful as ever! My coworker and friend Nhien showed us around on the second day and we were able to see a brand new temple dedicated to a Vietnamese princess and ring "the peace bell." The peace bell is located at the top of a mountain and it was an arduous journey.
To end the day we sampled delicious Hue cuisine made by Nhien's mother. This included special Southern Tet cakes (fried) and many dishes featuring shrimp with salty and spicy sauces. Finally, Nhien took us to Vy Da village, and great highlight for me because it's where the poet Han Mac Tu wrote one of his most famous poems. It was a fantastic day and a great way to end Tet.
I can't get over the hospitality of my friends, students and colleagues. They allowed my friend Tracy and I into their homes and hearts. I've wanted to celebrate Tet in Vietnam for a long time, and it surpassed all my expectations. I had a fantastic time!
Labels: TET, Vietnamese culture