Saturday, May 28, 2005



Yikes! I have an impacted wisdom tooth. This is the worst time, in two weeks I am supposed to go to Lyndon to prepare for departure. I'd like to see something symbolic in this, but right now the poet eludes me. Here I am, forty four years old with an adolescent's jaw!
I watch the neighbors move, the hectic poining, and wonder if I will be up to the task...

Monday, May 02, 2005



I was first introduced to Vietnamese culture by my friends Cathy and Theresa. I met them in my senior year in high school. They made me feel welcomed, which was a rare feeling for me in high school.

That winter they came over with food when I was sick and invited me to their Christmas Eve celebration. My first contact with Vietnamese music and dance.

It changed the course of my life....


I was a school kid in 1969....
Posted by Hello

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